The production systems that Alfa Graniti avails of are systems which are technologically very advanced. Blocks are introduced onto frames where the sawing of marble and granite takes place and slabs of various thicknesses are obtained. In Brazil the use of the frame is replaced by the multifilo. The multifilo is a machine which has revolutionized the productive concepts of granite slabs. It is characterized by precision cutting and smoother surface of slabs which allows for a reduction in polishing time. Subsequently, for materials which are not very compact, with the aim of improving resistance and aesthetic aspect, Alfa Graniti is equipped with the Automatic Line of Marble and Granite Resin Application. Before applying resin, the slab has to be conditioned as regards humidity and temperature and after the application it has to be maintained at a constant controlled temperature to allow the resin to harden. The rough slabs obtained from sawing or applied with resin are subjected to further workmanship:
Polishing- enhances colour and streak of the material, giving it radiance and transparency
Smoothing- makes the surface smooth and full, giving the material a matt effect and certain grains a used effect
Flaming- a thermal process obtained using oxygen and gas to heat the surfaces to be treated which then favours the removal of a layer of about 2mm of material allowing the structure and the colour of the material to be enhanced
Brushing- obtained by using suitable abrasive brushes mounted on the smoothing line. It gives an orange-peel effect with a slightly wavy weaving which brings to mind the silk effect
Hitting- obtained by using a hammer with pyramid-shaped points and with the possibility if different gradations, giving a rustic effect to the material while enhancing the weaving